West Tallahatchie High School recently held its annual fall college and career fair on November 15, 2024 in the gymnasium. Northwest Missiissppi Community College headline the event along with high school seniors. Games such as cups, claps, and rock, paper, scissors full body style were conducted by Jenny Hurt, Assistant Director of Recruiting at Northwest. Pizza was also provided to the seniors by the Northwest Pathfinders.
1092 - Northwest Student Pathfinders :
Bottom L to R: Chloe Murphy, Ava Robbins, Mattison Sanders, Kayla Oberschmidt, Amaura Calhoun, Galilea Murguia, Jolee Young, Baylee McElroy, Meg Daves, Chyna Garner
Top L to R: Elijah Moore, Jose Rosiles, Trager Yeoman, Lucy Oliver, Janiya Taylor, Justice Pope, Cole Stoddard, Abigail Busby, Owen Hardin, Alexandra Taylor, Tylan Watson
1023 - Pictured from left to right:
Back row: Sentrell Howard, Roderick Moss, Elijah Lee, Artavis Pimpton
Front: Kenyata Beller, Delta State University Recruiter
1063 - Photo of Cup Game
List of college and career vendors who participated in the fair were:
Core Civic
NQS-Emmit and Mamie Till Mobley Movement
Marion Counseling Services
Coahoma Community College and Admissions
Mississippi Department of Transportation
Jackson State University
Northwest Community College
Ole Miss
Mid State Opportunity
Mississippi Valley State University
Tougalo0 College