Special Education

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The purpose of West Tallahatchie School District Office of Special Education is to oversee the provision of educational programs to students with disabilities, ages 3-21, who are in need of special education and other services necessary to enable them to benefit from instruction as provided for in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and state law.

The Office of Special Education is responsible for the identification, evaluation, eligibility, and individualized programming for children who meet the Mississippi Department of Education criteria as a student with a disability. West Tallahatchie School District offers a continuum of services to ensure each student is provided a free appropriate education in his/her least restrictive environment.

Contact Information:

Ms. Lillie Ramsey, Director of Special Education
PO Box 129
Webb, MS 38966
Phone: (662) 375-9291 ext. 205| Cell: (662) 645-1094
FAX: (662) 375-9294

Child Find Publicity Campaign

The West Tallahatchie School District is participating in an ongoing statewide effort to identify and evaluate children from birth through age twenty-one who have physical, mental, communicative, and/or emotional disabilities. Our school district offers a wide variety of special programs to meet the needs of students with disabilities.

Information from parents and community agencies will be used to determine present and future program needs as progress is made toward our goal of providing a free, appropriate public education to each student. Data that identifies an individual child will be confidentially maintained. Parents are important members of the evaluation/eligibility team. Prior to an evaluation, Procedural Safeguards are explained and given to parents. After written parental consent is obtained, a non-discriminatory evaluation by qualified personnel in all areas related to the suspected disability is conducted. A child's eligibility for special education services is determined by a multidisciplinary team that includes the parents. When a child is determined to be eligible for services, an Individual Education Plan (IEP) is developed. Written parental consent must be obtained before services can begin. Please contact the Special Education Director at the following address/phone number if you know of any individuals who need to be referred for services:

Special Education Parent Surveys

What you think counts!

The Mississippi Department of Education provides a Parent Survey to gather your thoughts and experiences with our Special Education program and services. Please visit your child's special education teacher or language speech therapist during our biannual Parent Days and participate in the annual parent survey. You may also complete the survey at your child's annual IEP meeting. The survey must be completed online.


The West Tallahatchie School District Office of Special Education maintains special education records for ten years after a student is no longer registered in this district or has graduated from high school with a diploma or certificate. Records can be requested at any time during that ten-year period free of charge. After ten years, records will be destroyed and will no longer be available.

Related Services

The Office of Special Education provides special education and related services so that special education students have access to and gain benefit from the general education classroom. Related services may include, but are not limited to the following:

  • transportation

  • speech/language therapy

  • physical therapy

  • occupational therapy

Price Quotes

The West Tallahatchie School District Office of Special Education is accepting price quotes for the following services: psychometry, school psychology, positive behavior specialist, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and speech language pathology. Quotes can be brought to The Charles M. George Facility for Educational Services located at 1096 Friendship West Road, in Sumner, MS or mailed to:

West Tallahatchie School District
Office of Special Education
PO Box 129
Webb, MS 38966